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Advantages of PHP programming language | PHP uses and advantages


Advantages of PHP programming language | PHP uses and advantages

Advantages of PHP programming language
Advantages of PHP programming language

In order to describe possible scenarios of use and actions of a particular web application or site, developers use special languages ​​of the so-called web markup. At the same time, program codes working from the server-side or interpreted by the server part allow more efficient use and expansion of the interactive capabilities of a particular resource or project. So in this article, I will discuss the Advantages of PHP programming language. I will cover PHP uses and advantages.

Such programming languages ​​belong to a large group of server-side languages, of which there are quite a few today. Among them are such popular ones as Phyton, Perl, Ruby, C +, ASP, and, of course, PHP. For further details about programing language history read the history of programming.

Despite the fact that technically almost any project can be successfully implemented in any server-side web programming language, the most common, and therefore the main, is the web markup language PHP, in particular, as of today, its fifth version.  

Features and Advantages of PHP programming language

The task of the PHP language is to provide effective communication of a web resource with a server and databases. Moreover, this language is extremely easy to learn and use. Basically, everything you need to know to start learning and programming PHP is the simplest web markup language HTML. PHP goes well with  HTML code. However, one browser is not enough to execute scripts, a web server is required.

Don't know what is difference between coding and programming? Read this article Difference between coding and programming. 

Tasks to be solved

The code written in PHP aims to accomplish two things:

  • HTML-part is responsible for the appearance and display of information;
  • PHP part integrated into HTML provides interactivity and dynamics.

At the same time, such program codes and, accordingly, projects compiled with their help are light, effective, flexible, multifunctional, easy to administer, edit, maintain.

Today the vast majority of sites, services, and applications, as well as such popular platforms as Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, 1C-Bitrix, and UMI.CMS is written in  PHP.

The PHP language has a number of undeniable advantages of PHP programming language:

  • High speed of work and, accordingly, the overall performance of resources.
  • Budget, efficiency. Finding a specialist is not a problem, the cost of writing programs in PHP is not high.
  • Easy to learn, simple syntax.
  • Excellent compatibility and portability - PHP codes work equally well with different platforms.
  • You can type the code and edit it in any text or  HTML editor.
  • High flexibility, capacity, and functionality. A PHP program can be compiled separately from web page development, without binding, and then combined. This greatly simplifies the life of designers and programmers with object-oriented programming
  • Multitasking and ample opportunities - creating any web applications, blogs, guest books, online stores, websites, working with redirects, headers, pdf documents, databases, e-mail, etc.

PHP development platforms

PHP has not lost its popularity for many years, despite the abundance of other languages ​​for writing various web applications, services, sites, etc. So, PHP is quite easy to create applications and dynamic sites. In addition, this server-side programming language perfectly integrates with most operating systems and platforms for website development. Among these, the most popular, and, at the same time, already proven, are the following:

  • Free boxed CMS - Joomla, Drupal, ModX, WordPress, ideal for creating simple standardized blogs, shops, business card sites, as well as a number of interactive services;
  • Paid options for boxed CMS - NetCat, Umi.CMS, 1C-Bitrix, often used by developers to create and improve more complex projects;
  • Flexible powerful frameworks - Zend, Symfony, Yii, allowing you to create truly unique projects that are complex and multitasking, as well as designed for high loads.

Advantages of PHP programming language and Disadvantages of Using PHP, Ruby on Rails Framework

PHP-language is supported by the majority of hosting due to its prevalence, good speed, lightness, cross-platform, and functionality.

At the same time, PHP has a growing competitor. We are talking about the Ruby language, which is not yet so widespread, but which has already served to create a convenient flexible, and functional Ruby on Rails framework. "Rails" were created especially for working with Ruby. At the same time, the new framework platform is even easier to master than the programming language itself, if it is not about very complex projects, and therefore this platform is gaining popularity when creating services and applications, as well as such loaded highly visited resources like Twitter, Groupon, Lenta.ru and some others.

Advantages of PHP programming language and Ruby on Rails comparison. 

Ruby on Rails is used in cases where it is necessary for the project to "fly", as it provides a high speed of work. At the same time, as a rule, PHP-programmers who already have sufficient theoretical and practical experience behind them, but want to try something new, go to the category of Ruby programmer.

Thus, the basis for everything is knowledge and the ability to apply HTML and PHP layout. The evolutionary development of PHP, manifested in its high versatility, in some moments played a cruel joke with the language, endowing it with shortcomings, which the more narrowly focused and "sharpened" and functional Ruby on Rails lacks.

Customer review on PHP and Ruby on Rails 

From the point of view of the customer, the creation of PHP code, as well as launching, debugging, editing, expanding, maintaining such a project will be cheaper. However, you should be prepared for the fact that, given the high complexity of the tasks set for the website being developed, you will have to include in the expense items the fixed costs of finding experienced PHP developers, because they are really hard to find due to the "low entry threshold" for this language, and as a result of the huge number of pseudo-specialists in the web programming market. If we take a long period of time, then the costs for a solution made in PHP will be noticeably higher than, for example, for a solution implemented in Ruby on Rails.


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