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Write the following decimal as a percent. 0.567


Write the following decimal as a percent. 0.567

If we want to write the following decimal as a percent. 0.567 then its fast answer is 56.7% what is the method to this solution is here given bellow.

Write the following decimal as a percent. 0.567

We have this decimal 0.567 and we want the percentage of this

a)      Step 1:  we will multiply the decimal amount 0.567 with 100

b)      Step 2:             0.567 x 100    here we multiply decimal with 100 digit

c)      Step 3:          0.567 x 100 = 56.7    we get 56.7 as answer

d)      Step 4:        56.7%   this is the answer we add % sign so it is the final solution of the question

With these basic steps we got answer 56.7%

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