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Website Development Course : Create Your Own WordPress Website By Saeed Developer


Website Development Course : Create Your Own WordPress Website 

Website Development Course by Saeed Developer

Learn Website Development with WordPress online and on campus here in Pakistan Punjab Faisalabad and Create Your Own WordPress Website. We are now starting online courses at you can contact us to get online classes also at our office classes on Saeed Developer academy and Our Microtechsols  Office in Shadab mor jhang road Faisalabad Campus.

We start website development courses at our office admissions are open now classes will be start from 1 of Feb 2024. Website development courses will include wordpress development courses, and PHP wordpress creation courses that are advanced. 

Here is the WordPress development course details that you can learn from Saeed Developer at MicrotechSols

Course details Website Development with WordPress

What you'll learn with this Website Development with WordPress Course

  1. Build your own beautiful website using WordPress.
  2. Design your WordPress website the way you imagine.
  3. Host and publish your website in an inexpensive and secure way.
  4. Customize your WordPress website for any purpose of yours - whether it's a blog, a portfolio to show off your work, or an e-commerce site to sell your products or services.
  5. You will know how to design pages, menus, sidebars, footers, and create a professional and modern website.
  6. You will know how to find and install themes.
  7. You will know how to find and install plugins.
  8. You will know how to back up your WordPress website in case of emergency.
  9. You will know how to get your website found by search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
  10. You will know how to set up email opt-in forms throughout your website.
  11. You will know how to increase social sharing of your posts and pages with free plugins.
  12. You will know how to set up comments and contact pages, while blocking spam.
  13. You will know how to speed up your website with caching plugins.
  14. You will know how to make your website secure and protected from hackers.
  15. You will know how to set up a membership and / or e-commerce site.
And if there is anything you don't learn from the course and want to learn, you can always ask the instructor Saeed Developer for help!

Requirements for the course Website Development with WordPress

  1. You don't need any experience with Wordpress or with building a website.
  2. You will need a working computer and a modern browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
  3. You will need internet access to watch the lessons online, or can download them on your computer for playback.
  4. You don't need any experience with programming languages like HTML or CSS.
  5. You don't need to purchase hosting or pay for anything to follow along and practice building a website yourself. I'll show you in the course how to practice building a WordPress website for free.

Who should enrol in this course of Website Development with WordPress

  • You are someone who wants to build a website for your business, hobby, or personal life.
  • You want a website that can be fully customized, but done so easily.
  • You want someone to walk you through the entire process of creating a WordPress website from the very beginning to publishing.
  • You also want help designing a website that works, that is modern, and the viewers will love.
  • You are NOT someone who wants to build your own custom WordPress themes (this is not a WordPress development course)


Saeed Website Developer

  • 8+ Years of experience in the website development field
  • 250+ websites developed for my international clients. 
  • SEO expert having 7 years of experiance working with international clients of SEO. 
  • Owner and CEO of 10 sites. 
  • Ranked many Business on Top #1 in Google. 


Collection of Great Courses for Beginners from Saeed Developer

I'll surelly teach you the skills essential to stand out from the crowd and you will get your clients. Whether it’s an individual passion or a professional pursuit, from me you can learn website development in WordPress, design, marketing, artificial intelligence skills and more here.

Learn By Doing

Step-by-step project-based learning.

Student Support

One-on-one support that truly want to help you.

Don't Stress. Have Fun Learning.

More About Saeed Developer

My professional background is in website development I have done Msc (IT) from GCUF. I have done job at 1 year NRSP Bank as accountant, then start studying at GCUF and then start my Job as Website Developer BPS 16 at GC Women University Faisalabad in IT Services Department after 2.5 years I left that job and start my online working. Since then, I've worked on hundreds of projects that I have done with different countries clients, and nationwide.

Since 2012, I've worked with top experts around the world Developing websites and did their SEO to rank in the Google Top.

Courses that I InstructBlogging, Website development, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Affiliate marketing, Content Writing, AI ChatGPT earning, Guest posting or link building, Content Marketing, Social Media, Personal Branding, and more.

I can't wait to see you in class!

-        Saeed Website Developer and SEO expert 

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