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Why is WordPress So Hard to Use Now?


Why is WordPress So Hard to Use Now?

WordPress has long been celebrated for its user friendly interface and robust functionality making it the go to platform for bloggers businesses and developers. However in recent years some users have found WordPress increasingly difficult to use. This shift can be attributed to several factors including technological advancements the introduction of new features and the evolving needs of users. This article explores why WordPress might feel more challenging to use now and what users can do to navigate these changes.

Why is WordPress So Hard to Use Now
Why is WordPress So Hard to Use Now

Evolution of WordPress

WordPress started in 2003 as a simple blogging platform. Over the years it has evolved into a powerful content management system CMS capable of building complex websites e commerce stores and more. This evolution has introduced numerous features and enhancements which while increasing its functionality have also added layers of complexity.

The Gutenberg Editor

One of the most significant changes in recent WordPress history is the introduction of the Gutenberg editor in WordPress 5.0. The Gutenberg editor replaced the classic editor which was a simple text box with basic formatting options. Gutenberg is a block based editor where content is added in blocks that can be individually manipulated.

Why Gutenberg Feels Complex

1.     New Learning Curve: For users accustomed to the classic editor Gutenberg represents a significant departure. The block based system requires learning new ways of creating and managing content.

2.     More Options: While offering more flexibility the numerous block types and settings can overwhelm new users. The multitude of options while powerful adds to the perceived complexity.

3.     Compatibility Issues: Not all plugins and themes were immediately compatible with Gutenberg upon its release leading to functionality issues and frustration among users.

Plugin and Theme Ecosystem

The extensive library of plugins and themes is one of WordPress’s strengths allowing users to customize their sites extensively. However this ecosystem can also contribute to the platform’s complexity.

Challenges with Plugins and Themes

1.     Overload of Choices: With thousands of plugins and themes available finding the right ones can be daunting. Users must sift through options read reviews and test for compatibility and performance.

2.     Maintenance: Keeping plugins and themes updated is crucial for security and functionality. However updates can sometimes cause conflicts or break a site adding to the maintenance burden.

3.     Quality Variations: Not all plugins and themes are created equal. Quality support and documentation can vary widely making it challenging for users to select reliable solutions.

Advanced Features and Functionality

As WordPress has grown it has incorporated more advanced features to cater to professional developers and businesses. While these features enhance the platform’s capabilities they also introduce additional layers of complexity for everyday users.

Examples of Advanced Features

1.     Custom Post Types and Fields: While powerful for creating custom content understanding and utilizing custom post types and fields can be complex for non developers.

2.     REST API: The REST API enables developers to integrate WordPress with other applications and services but it’s a feature that requires technical knowledge to use effectively.

3.     Multisite Network: Setting up and managing a WordPress multisite network allows for the management of multiple sites from a single installation but adds significant complexity to site administration.

Security Concerns

Security is a critical aspect of managing a WordPress site. As WordPress sites are popular targets for hackers users must take proactive steps to secure their sites. This involves using security plugins regularly updating software and following best practices.

Security Challenges

1.     Regular Updates: Keeping WordPress plugins and themes updated is essential but can be cumbersome especially for users managing multiple sites.

2.     Security Plugins: Choosing and configuring security plugins can be complex with various settings and options to consider.

3.     Backups and Recovery: Ensuring regular backups and having a recovery plan in place adds to the administrative tasks users must manage.

Performance Optimization

Optimizing the performance of a WordPress site is crucial for user experience and SEO. However achieving optimal performance can be complex requiring users to understand caching image optimization content delivery networks CDNs and more.

Performance Optimization Challenges

1.     Caching: Implementing caching solutions can improve site speed but requires understanding different caching types and configurations.

2.     Image Optimization: Properly optimizing images for performance involves selecting the right formats compressing files and using responsive images.

3.     CDNs: Using a CDN can enhance performance by distributing content across multiple servers but setting up and managing a CDN can be technically challenging.

Customization and Development

Many users choose WordPress for its customization capabilities. However customizing a WordPress site often requires knowledge of HTML CSS JavaScript and PHP.

Development Challenges

1.     Theme Customization: Modifying themes beyond basic changes can require coding skills making it difficult for non developers to achieve their desired look and functionality.

2.     Plugin Development: Developing custom plugins to extend functionality involves understanding WordPress’s coding standards and API which can be complex for beginners.

3.     Child Themes: Creating and using child themes to customize a site while preserving the ability to update the parent theme adds another layer of complexity.

Solutions and Tips for Managing WordPress Complexity

Despite the challenges there are ways to manage the complexity of using WordPress:

1.     Training and Tutorials: Invest time in learning through tutorials courses and WordPress documentation. Many resources are available online to help users understand different aspects of WordPress.

2.     Hiring Professionals: For complex tasks consider hiring professional developers or agencies who specialize in WordPress. They can handle custom development optimization and security tasks.

3.     Using Managed Hosting: Managed WordPress hosting providers handle many administrative tasks such as updates backups and security allowing users to focus on content and business growth.

4.     Starting Simple: Begin with a simple theme and minimal plugins. As you become more comfortable with WordPress you can gradually add more features and complexity.

5.     Utilizing Page Builders: Page builders like Elementor Beaver Builder and Divi offer user friendly interfaces for designing and customizing pages without needing to code.

6.     Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance tasks such as updates and backups to keep your site secure and running smoothly.


WordPress’s growth and evolution have introduced many powerful features but they have also added complexity that can make it harder for users to navigate. Understanding why WordPress feels more challenging today involves recognizing the advancements and the broader range of capabilities it now offers. By investing time in learning using the right tools and seeking professional help when needed users can harness the full potential of WordPress while managing its complexities. Despite the challenges WordPress remains a versatile and powerful platform for creating websites of all kinds.


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