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Which of the following activities poses the greatest personal cybersecurity risk?


Which of the following activities poses the greatest personal cybersecurity risk?

A. Making a purchase on an online store that uses public key encryption to transmit information

B. Paying a bill using a secure online electronic payment system

C. Purchasing a couch by emailing a credit card number to the couch owner

D. Checking a bank account on a bank’s website that uses HTTPS for secure communication

Which of the following activities poses the greatest personal cybersecurity risk?
Which of the following activities poses the greatest personal cybersecurity risk?

Out of the options listed, the greatest personal cybersecurity risk is:

C. Purchasing a couch by emailing a credit card number to the couch owner

Here's the complete details why C is correct answer:

  • Unsecured Communication: Email is not a secure method for transmitting sensitive information like credit card numbers. Anyone who intercepts the email could potentially steal your information.
  • Unverified Seller: When buying from an unknown source, there's no guarantee the seller is legitimate. You risk sending your credit card information to a scammer.

Let's see why the other options are less risky:

  • A. Public Key Encryption: This is actually a secure way to transmit information online. It scrambles the data using a key only the recipient can unlock.
  • B. Secure Online Payment System: Reputable online stores and payment systems use various security measures to protect your financial information.
  • D. HTTPS: This protocol ensures a secure connection between your browser and the bank's website, encrypting communication to prevent eavesdropping.

Remember: When making online transactions, it's crucial to use secure platforms and avoid sharing sensitive information through unencrypted channels.

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