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Driving SEO Results with Advanced Website Analytics Tools



Driving SEO Results with Advanced Website Analytics Tools

SEO is a complex and often misunderstood discipline, but it's also essential for the success of your business. While you may know how to optimize your website for search engines, many aspects of SEO can be quite difficult to master on your own. In this article, we'll explore some advanced website analytics tools you can use in conjunction with an SEO outsourcing partner to create actionable insights for improving your website performance and ranking higher in organic search results.

Understanding Website Analytics in SEO

Website analytics is a set of tools that help you understand your website traffic. You can use this data to improve the user experience, increase conversions and get more leads.

There are many different types of website analytics tools out there, but here are some common ones:

Google Analytics (GA)

This is one of the most popular tools used by marketers because it's free and easy to use. GA offers detailed reports on everything from where your visitors come from to what pages they're visiting on your site. You can also use GA as an SEO tool because it tracks how well keywords convert into sales or leads for your business.


Another popular option if you want something more advanced than GA but still don't want to pay much money for it this software comes with features like heatmaps that show where users click most often so that you can optimize accordingly! It also integrates seamlessly with other platforms like MailChimp so syncing up with other programs won't be difficult at all!


This software is more advanced than KissMetrics but still affordable and easy to use. HotJar offers heatmaps, conversion funnel analysis, and a wide variety of other features that you can use to better understand how your website visitors are interacting with it.

Leveraging Advanced Website Analytics Tools

Many advanced website analytics tools can help you measure and improve your SEO results. The first is Google Analytics, which gives you a comprehensive overview of how users interact with your site and where they're coming from. You can also use it to measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts by looking at the impact on pageviews, conversions, and more.

Google Search Console Data

Google Search Console Data is another useful tool for measuring performance; it shows you how well each page ranks in search results for specific keywords or phrases (as well as some other information about those pages). This data should be used together with information from Google Analytics Real-Time so that you know what people are seeing when they click on these links and whether they're converting into customers or leads after visiting them.

Moz's Open Site Explorer

Another tool to consider is Moz's Open Site Explorer. It provides information on how well your site is doing in search results, as well as an overview of the competition, so you can determine if any weak points need to be addressed.


Also, an important tool is Ahrefs, which provides a comprehensive overview of your site's backlinks as well as information about the sites that link to yours. This information can be used to determine how well your SEO efforts are paying off and whether there are any opportunities for improvement.

Yoast SEO

Finally, Yoast SEO provides a great overview of how well your site is performing in terms of SEO. It's especially useful for monitoring the performance of each page and making sure it meets the standards set by Google.

Driving SEO Results with Advanced Website Analytics Tools

Monitoring Website Performance

A/B testing

This is a process of simultaneously running two or more versions of a web page to see which version performs better. For example, you might want to test different headlines for an article about your company or product, or different images on an ad campaign landing page.

Website speed monitoring

How long does it take visitors to load your website? If it's slower than competitors' sites, they could lose interest before they even reach the content they came for in the first place!

Analyzing traffic sources

Analyzing traffic sources and comparing them against each other can help determine whether there are any holes in your SEO strategy (i.e. if one source delivers higher conversion rates than another). Also, consider analyzing content quality based on bounce rate the percentage of visitors who leave immediately after landing without clicking through any links within the site itself, and conversion rate the percentage of people who actually engage with something like signing up for email updates versus just browsing around aimlessly without taking action at all.

Data analysis

Data analysis can help you find the best-performing sources and content for your website, as well as determine what needs to be improved.

Website traffic analysis

Website traffic analysis is a great way to get started with data-driven marketing. By tracking how people interact with your website and paying attention to the numbers, you can make more informed decisions about what content or services need improvement.

The Power of SEO Outsourcing

SEO outsourcing is the act of sending all or part of your search engine optimization efforts to a third-party company. This can be anything from hiring an individual contractor who specializes in SEO to using an entire team of experts like Luxeo whose job it is to optimize your website for search engines.

You must understand how this works before deciding if outsourcing is right for you and your business, so let's dive right into why it's such a powerful tool:

       It gives you access to experts who know what they're doing when it comes to getting traffic from Google and other search engines. These people have years upon years of experience under their belts, which means they'll be able to help guide you through any issues with ease (and hopefully save some money while they're at it).

       Outsourcing allows companies who specialize solely in SEO services - to put all their focus on one thing: getting results! We don't waste time trying out new things like social media marketing or PPC advertising campaigns; instead, we spend all our energy improving existing websites until those websites rank highly enough on Google's SERPs (search engine results pages) so as many visitors can find them easily without having done any additional research beforehand.

Advantages of SEO Outsourcing

In addition to the obvious benefits of outsourcing your SEO, there are a few other things that make it an attractive option.

       It's a long-term strategy. SEO takes time and effort to produce results and if you're not prepared for that kind of commitment, then outsourcing might be right for you. If your company's core competencies lie in something other than web development as GetTrusted or content marketing (and most do), then it makes sense for someone else to handle this aspect of your business instead.

       It can be mutually beneficial for both parties involved in an outsourcing agreement: The client gets the expertise they need without having to hire full-time employees; meanwhile, freelancers get access and payment for their services through projects like these rather than relying on their self-generated leads alone.

Best Practices for SEO Outsourcing

When you're looking for an SEO agency, the most important thing is to make sure they have experience working with your industry. You also want to make sure that they have a good track record of success and can provide references from previous clients.

If you don't feel like doing all this research yourself, we recommend using one of these online tools:

Google My Business

This free platform allows you to manage your local business listings and connect with potential customers. It also provides a way for people to leave reviews about your company.

Google Search Console

This is a free tool provided by Google that allows you to see how your website appears in Google search results. You can also use this platform to submit sitemaps and block URLs from being crawled.

Local SEO

This is a free platform that allows businesses to manage their local listings and connect with potential customers. It also provides a way for people to leave reviews about your company. If you're looking for an SEO agency, the most important thing is to make sure they have experience working with your industry. You also want to make sure that they have a good track record of success and can provide references from previous clients.


Yelp is the most popular review site in the world with over 140 million reviews on businesses in over 25 countries. You can use this platform to manage your profiles and respond to customer reviews.

Case Studies and Success Stories

If you're looking for case studies, the first place to look is at your competitors. You can usually find them on the company's website or in their blog posts. If you don't see any examples of how they've used analytics tools before, then it's time to search for other companies that do similar work as yours and use those examples instead.

Once you've found some good case studies and success stories from other organizations using advanced web analytics tools as part of their digital marketing strategy (or even just one), look through them carefully: What did these organizations do differently? How were they able to achieve better results than others? Then write down all these ideas so that when it comes time for content creation or SEO strategy brainstorming sessions later this week, everyone will know what direction we need to go to get results fast!

When you're done with this step, it's time to go back and look at each of your company's case studies. How did they use analytics tools to improve their digital marketing strategy? What are some things they did differently than competitors using traditional web analytics tools? Which data points were most important for them to track to make decisions about what content to create and how best to market it?

Once you've identified the most important data points, it's time to use those insights and write down what you'll need to do next to implement advanced web analytics tools. For example, if one of your case studies showed that they used custom reports and dashboards as a way of visually presenting data so they could easily digest it, then you might want to schedule some time this week for someone on your team (or hire an outside consultant) to create some of these custom reports and dashboards.

Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

The first step to mitigating these challenges is to understand them. The second step is to implement mitigation strategies that address those challenges.

The following are some common challenges and mitigation strategies for driving SEO results with advanced website analytics tools:

Lack of clear goals/objectives

This is often due to a lack of communication between marketing and sales, or perhaps because the company itself doesn't have a well-defined business strategy (or at least not one that aligns with its customers' needs). In this case, you'll want to work with stakeholders across departments to set clear goals/objectives so that everyone knows what they're working towards.

Lack of communication between marketing and sales

This is a big one. If your sales team isn't working with your marketing department to establish buyer personas and understand their pain points, then how can they be expected to convert visitors into leads or customers? You'll want to make sure that everyone is on the same page here by holding regular meetings with stakeholders from both departments (or perhaps even creating a new cross-functional team).

Lack of data

If you're not measuring the right things, then how can you expect to see results? For example, if your website has an e-commerce section (and most do these days), then you must know what items are selling best and where to optimize them accordingly.


As you can see, there are many different ways to use analytics to improve your SEO. However, if you want complete control over your data and the ability to dig into it as deeply as possible, advanced tools like Google Analytics Premium or Adobe Analytics are the way to go. They're not cheap, but they offer much more flexibility than regular analytics tools and will help you get a better understanding of what's working (or not working) on your site.


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