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Critical Insights to Expect from an Advanced Web Analytics Ecommerce


Critical Insights to Expect from an Advanced Web Analytics Ecommerce

Most people discuss conversions, retention, churn rate, and other such standard metrics regarding eCommerce analytics. But did you know enhanced eCommerce tracking is also available today? Some advanced plugins offer a truckload of valuable data for companies. Unfortunately, only a handful of them is aware of this. You may say that it's not always about selecting plugins. While that's true, even if it requires setting up a dashboard of this kind, you must not hesitate. The additional data can only make your experience with the customer's entire journey more intimate and rewarding. Standard analytics reports capture data after purchase, but advanced tools cover the user lifecycle. So, let's find out what this may include.

Critical Insights to Expect from an Advanced Web Analytics Ecommerce
Critical Insights to Expect from an Advanced Web Analytics Ecommerce

User behavior

Advanced web analytics ecommerce reports give you a close look at a customer's shopping behavior and checkout behavior. It tracks the sessions throughout the funnel: product views, products added to the cart, checkout initiation, and transaction. From this report, you can clearly understand your customers' movement and fix areas that contribute toward higher transactions or successful checkouts. Similarly, checkout behavior focuses on the checkout stage only. It tells you what your customers do during this stage and when they will likely abandon the process.

Product performance

Any insight into products and their performance can be critical for an ecommerce business. Usually, product performance analytics consists of a summary report and shopping behavior report. While the summary contains information about product revenue, new purchases, average quantity, average price, and others, the shopping behavior view offers an insight into product engagement rate, items in the cart, removal of products from the cart, checkouts, and purchases. You can also refer to sales performance and product list performance. Sales analytics report taxes, revenue, delivery charges, refunds, and sold items. You can sort sales data by date or transaction ID. The other report captures up-selling and cross-selling.


You also need to measure your marketing efforts – internal and external. Internal promotion reports can inform you about the performance of banners, revenue, internal promotion clicks, and more. Another metric can be an order coupon report that again talks about transactions, income, and average value. Likewise, you can track your affiliate and product coupon endeavors.

All this can be enough to understand the utility of enhanced ecommerce analytics for your business. Since handling data is complex, especially if it remains scattered, you need to find a dashboard that combines all the elements in one place. It will make your analysis and comparison job easy. More precisely, you need a consolidated report. Thankfully, Google Analytics and even third-party vendors offer such analytics tools. It would be best to leverage them. It will save your investment in time, money, and effort that goes into gathering all the details and organizing them in a digestible format.

However, make sure the tool you choose has fair and transparent pricing. Some web analytics ecommerce reports can have monthly or yearly charges. You would want to know what they will eventually cost to avoid spending excess. So, dig out a tool that helps you get proper insights into your user activities and enable you to implement strategic changes at the right time and place.

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