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What value can the blocked TikTok bring to the sellers?



What value can the blocked TikTok bring to the sellers?

[Limited time benefits] How to use TikTok to promote? Click to open an account for free now>>

Tik Tok is on the cusp of the storm, and there have been too many related reports recently. Today, let’s not talk about politics or the situation. Let’s analyze, as a new channel for cross-border e-commerce sellers, how to play TikTok?

Sellers use Tiktok to divert traffic, perhaps because they value the development trend of the entire short video market, or they may value TikTok’s huge user volume and traffic, but there is actually another key factor to pay attention to-whether this channel is related to your product and audience Match?

Just like Trump's accusation that "TikTok makes young people addicted." Indeed, TikTok's user base is dominated by young people, with users under 30 accounting for 66%. What are the consumer portraits of this group of people? This is what the seller needs to consider.

Of course, in addition to TikTok, there are many platforms to choose from. Social advertising is never an all-or-nothing choice. Sellers can cover promotion through multiple channels. However, it is worth noting that each social platform also has its own specific audience groups and characteristics. Sellers still have to consider the suitability of the platform with their own products and the purpose of their own promotion.

How do cross-border e-commerce sellers choose social platforms to promote

How to choose the social platform to promote? In fact, this question can be asked in another way-on which platforms can the right customers be found? To solve this problem, we must first understand the characteristics of each platform and the characteristics of its target audience.

When talking about social advertising drainage, we have to mention Facebook, which occupies an absolute high ground in this field.

The biggest feature or advantage of Facebook is its high user coverage. Except for a few countries and regions in the world, its coverage rate ranks among the top in most countries. At the same time, Facebook’s target population is accurately positioned, users are mostly real names, the age, gender, and hobbies of the target population can be accurately displayed, and the advertising space is relatively social.

Generally speaking, Facebook is the "first stop" for most novices trying to place social media ads. If the seller’s product is difficult to promote on Facebook, it is unlikely to be promoted on other media platforms. But for cross-border sellers, if they can play on Facebook, then learn the promotion and operation of other platforms, that is, downward compatible learning. Everyone looks the same, so it will be very quick to get started.

Looking at Trump's commonly used Twitter, it is actually a platform that combines social, news, and search attributes. Similar to domestic Weibo, if there is any news or new news that you want to know, search on Twitter, and the news may be faster. Twitter also has a ranking list "trend" similar to Weibo hot search. The core advantage is the attributes of its brand. This feature is also favored by many well-known brands. Brand advertisers will use Twitter to build brand influence and use some entertaining tweets to interact with users. Therefore, in general, Twitter is more suitable for the maintenance and renewal of existing brands. The establishment of brand awareness is not the direct sale of the product itself, so it is not suitable for customers who only consider ROI.

LinkedIn, on the other hand, provides professional coverage for special attributes such as occupations. You can do some targeted placements. For example, if you need a certain type of company's market leader, you can search through LinkedIn. The advantage is that if you want to reach a professional user group, its accuracy will be very high. It can help sellers find the right person more accurately and facilitate large orders, especially for customers like to B. Therefore, compared with other media, LinkedIn is more suitable for toB e-commerce sellers, and it needs to clearly sell the portrait of the crowd for accurate delivery. Because of its special media nature, its CPM may be 8-10 times more expensive than Facebook. Therefore, sellers who want to try need to have sufficient market research to prepare.

Pinterest: From a media point of view, Pinterest’s e-commerce attributes are the strongest. Users on this platform are mostly looking forward to shopping or looking for target products. And the bonus period of its advertising is still there, and it will still have a lot to do for some time in the future. However, the current level is limited, and Pinterest itself does not want ads on the platform itself. It wants users to share some original and genuinely good products. This may be a point that restricts its future development.

Instagram: It is also a Facebook product, a platform for sharing pictures and video content. Its characteristics are between Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. In the personal account dimension, Instagram can log in through the Facebook account, and the advertising background is also the same; but Instagram is significantly more entertaining, and Facebook and Instagram platform friends are completely independent; in the user relationship dimension , Instagram is more like Twitter-most of the people you follow are unknown celebrities and Internet celebrities, but more people on Instagram pay attention to pictures and videos, and less attention to text, while more people on Twitter will follow text information.

Snapchat: Both Snapchat and Tiktok are new types of social media that have become popular in recent years, and they are both short video platforms. To promote e-commerce on Snapchat, you can combine e-commerce products with short video content. As long as you can find points that stimulate users, you have the opportunity to trigger users' instantaneous consumption. However, the prices of the products on these platforms are not high. For most users, they are just gadgets. If they can stimulate their consumption, they will create many sales possibilities. On Snapchat and Tiktok, it is recommended to directly promote hot or potential hot products, and secondly, it is recommended to use localized live-action shooting: the effect of simple graphics or simple video marketing on such social media is difficult to compare with that of live-action videos. of.

How to promote on social media?

Faced with so many social platforms, how do sellers advertise? In fact, the essence of social media drainage-"Help advertisers find the right customers, and then show the right content to these customers." Under this concept, we can divide social media drainage into six modules:

1. To create a stream is to make an advertisement;

2. New customers, find new customers on social media;

3. Remarketing to find old customers;

4. Advertising style, that is, what kind of advertisement the social platform allows you to do. For example, TikTok on-screen advertising supports two forms of static image and video;

5. The tracking code is equivalent to a monitor for your website. All visitor information, shopping cart addition, settlement, etc. will be recorded, fed back to the social media system, and finally imaged in the data report;

6. Optimize advertisements, continuously optimize the data feedback from advertisements.

Take the creation of a stream as an example. This part actually contains several levels of advertising-campaigns, ad groups, and ads, which have different advertising goals. Generally speaking, advertising goals determine what our advertising wants to do?

First of all, in terms of advertising styles, the higher usage rate of cross-border e-commerce is conversion ads, then click ads, and then interactive ads; second, ad groups. Decided who the advertisement is for? Where to look? How much does it cost? Etc.; third, the content of the advertisement. There are pictures, copywriting, videos, and headlines in the advertisement. What effect does the combination of these elements show? These are the three levels of advertising. It basically runs through all social and search media backends, whether it is on Facebook, TikTok or Snapchat, including Google's display advertising backend is also structured in this way, the difference is that the label division is different.

After understanding the basic levels and logic of social media advertising, how do we specifically expand the following steps? Specific to each social media platform, how should it be operated?

On August 18, the main venue of CCEE Shanghai Station Dunhuang .com special[Bring the wind and the waves, retrograde 2020]On the previous page, Liu Xiaochuan, senior director of social channels of Dunhuang.com, will answer the above questions one by one, combined with successful cases of sellers, deeply explore the accuracy and cost of social media drainage, and analyze the new gameplay of TikTok traffic.

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