How to communicate with your Web Developer?
A few weeks ago we were talking about some of the communication skills necessary for developers. We saw that these skills are useful from the moment they want to transmit complex concepts to other people. The goal is to improve collaboration. How to communicate with your Web Developer?
Others must also know how to communicate
However, not only developers need to improve communication
in web development. If you are a product owner, project
manager, client, or have some other role in which you need to work
directly and jointly with a web developer, you also need to work on
communication skills and, above all, learn to communicate with your web
developer. Therefore, today seems like a good day to share with you 6
suggestions, which without being exactly communication skills, will help you
communicate better with your web developer.
Know your requirements and document it
It is very common for the promoters of a web project to be
so focused on seeing their product developed that they often forget about its
needs or requirements. Does it sound familiar to you?
Knowing how to explain your requirements to the developer
should be the first step for the effective development of your web application,
but to explain it to another person you must first know your
requirements. Descriptions such as " I want my web application
to look like Twitter, but different " can be vague and confusing for
the developer.
Answer developer questions
That is why you should be prepared to answer some
questions about different scenarios, which will be asked by the developer,
or the systems analyst. It is true that you should not have all the
answers at the moment, but knowing how to discuss (your) project will help the
developer, and the project will have a better chance of being a success.
Answering the questions is positive, and you should also be
able to document - yes, good documentation matters - about
requirements or needs, regardless of the (inherent) difficulty you may have.
Any type of documentation, preferably with UI sketches and
flowcharts, will help you to explain and identify the functionalities and will
help the developer to understand it technically.
Don't use pseudo-code
On the other hand, if you are not a technologist or a
programmer, do not write pseudocode, as it would complicate the
interpretation by your developer, who will have to 'work' twice as
much to understand what you want to do.
Be clear and decisive
In many web development processes, the developer is the last
" worker " in the production chain. That often causes
the developer to be seen as the culprit for delays, poor decisions, or
For all this, and especially when different people are
involved in the project, it is important to be clear and decisive so that the
doubts that the developer has during the development process obtain an answer
that does not stop development, and also that all decisions made in your name,
be “good” decisions. Being decisive means deciding what the product will
be like, taking responsibility for the initial decision, and facing the
consequences if something goes wrong, without getting out of hand.
Illustrative image of poor communication with a developer |
Always stay one step ahead of the developer
Getting ahead of the developer is nothing more than
"having a plan." Before starting your web development you must
have a "development plan".
This plan will allow you to establish the order of
implementation of the components and features, and if For example it is worth using the MoSCoW method or not, make
an MVP, MMP, or MLP for this development.
Therefore, you must be clear about what decisions need to be
made before implementation. It is a good idea to have data and test content
ready and to have, at least organized the production content,
design (basic structure ready for when necessary), images, videos,
etc ...
Set realistic deadlines and avoid scope changes
A developer needs to have an agreed deadline to be able to
work better. For the deadline to be realistic - this causes a bit of
controversy because developers often have difficulty setting realistic
deadlines - it is the developer who must set the deadlines, or at least
someone on your team who understands the technical difficulties of your new
product, application or system. Failing at this point, setting unrealistic
deadlines can result in errors that are “impossible” to fix within the
stipulated phase.
At the same time, avoid scope changes if you don't want to
jeopardize deadlines. Unless the developer had a problem - we'll see in
the next point - don't change the scope!
If during development you have seen that the competition has
a functionality that you would like to have, no problem, you can implement it
either in another version of your website or in another phase of MoSCoW. You
can implement it later. Trying to integrate this functionality by changing
the scope of the project is a way of misleading the developer
from the agreed tasks.
Alter the calendar when necessary
One way of knowing how to communicate with your developer is
to understand him and to understand that the development of certain web
applications can be complex, and that along the way you will always find a
problem that, together with the estimated time to develop the application, will
force you to change the scope of the project. This will force you to
change the calendar and you should not be afraid, nor transmit this fear, lack
of confidence, or insecurity to the developer. Alter the calendar!
Get involved and keep communicating
I have seen many managers disinterested in their
own projects because they are no longer a new toy, or because of time-to-market delays,
and express it to their developers without thinking about the emotional
If you are no longer enthusiastic, remember that it is very
likely that others are still because your product is their baby now. That's
why you should get involved, communicate with your developer on a regular
basis, and ask how things are going.
Of course, you should avoid bothering him, because
your project will not finish faster if you ask every 30 minutes if it has
already finished. Use communication to allow your developer to do his job!
The suggestions referred to in this article are just some of
those that you should take into account if you want to communicate, or create a
healthy environment and healthy relationship, with good communication with your
web developer or application developer in general.
Above all, don't assume anything. It is not
true that developing a new search engine "will only take a few
hours", if you think so, before putting the developer in a tight spot, go
back to point one of this article!
There are many other tips and suggestions on how to
communicate with your developer. Can you share your experience in the
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