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How a Good Intro Can Turn An Average Video Into A Great One


 How a Good Intro Can Turn An Average Video Into A Great One

How a Good Intro Can Turn An Average Video Into A Great One

Since you are reading this article, chances are, you already know that video marketing holds the power to push your business to greater heights. Video traffic can generate leads, increase conversion rates, and boost your company’s bottom line. However, all these won’t matter if no one watches your videos because of lackluster intros. Thankfully, you can use a cool intro maker like Promo.

Intros matter because they hold a lot of weight. They are shown in the first few seconds but possess the capabilities to draw in the crowd. Though they’re short, they can make or break your video content. With the right intros, you attract ideal viewers and keep their eyes peeled every time you post new content.

When you analyze it, intros are the most-watched sections of any video. Thus, this part must make an impact on your audience. With a poor intro, your followers and prospects will leave. What’s worse is if they revert their attention to your competitors. It’s time to use an intro maker to make stunning intros. Here’s how a good intro can turn an average video into a great one.

How a Good Intro Can Turn An Average Video Into A Great One

Make a Great First Impression Before They Churn

To create video intros that stand out and encourage viewers to finish your content and return, you need an intro maker. This helpful digital solution will ensure the first thing your viewers see is impactful. Remember, these first few seconds matter because it sets the tone of your content. Wouldn’t it be nice to make a great first impression? Your online intro editor can do the following:

     Create a short title screen

     Put in a voice over

     Add on-screen text and subtitles

     Include music

     Add funky effects or animation

Your video intro serves as the HOOK that explains what they can expect. Keep in mind, people of the modern world have diminished attention spans. Thus, you must make your intro exciting, or they will skip to another content. The short snippet you show will influence how your viewers feel about you.

Set That Crucial Brand Identity and Persona

From a business standpoint, your intro video is the short but vital content that sets you apart from other videos online. Remember, the world wide web is full of billions of videos. Hence, your intro maker can help you stand out amid all that noise.

With this tool, you can set the tone and values of your brand. It can help you show off your brand’s personality. This is your chance to let your unique capabilities shine. To help you out, you can follow these quick tips:

     Begin all your intros with the same intro title

     Make a short, funky montage in sequence

     Deliver the same intro spiel for continuity

This approach is highly effective because people will become familiar with what you offer. With your intro maker, you can strive for continuity and unity in terms of music, text on screens, animation, and effects. Don’t forget to use the same familiar faces in your intros, so people know what’s coming.

How a Good Intro Can Turn An Average Video Into A Great One

Instant Memory Recall and Brand Recognition

In the good old days, when television use was at an all-time high, people became hooked on TV commercials. Everyone could tell what brand it was based on, the jingle alone. Thus, even if you were in-store, you readily remember the product when you see the logo and hear the melody.

Similarly, you must leverage the power of this intro to create instant brand recall and awareness. Consequently, you can expect more inquiries and sales when your brand is recognizable. Keep in mind, what your viewers see and hear on the screen is how they experience YOU and what you offer. Pay attention to these details by fine-tuning them with your intro maker:

     Brand name


     Color palette




All these elements combined show the value of your videos. Typically, an intro video for short 30-second to 1-minute videos is only 8 seconds long. However, if you do one-hour productions or longer, you can increase it to 12 to 15 seconds. With the right intro, everyone will recognize your brand immediately.

Catch the Elusive Attention of a Very Picky Audience

Today’s modern people have reduced attention spans. Hence, even the most interesting and funky video can flop with a crappy intro. Anything that’s boring, in the beginning, will get bypassed. Since everyone is busy, no one will waste time waiting for your video pace to pick up. If it looks dull and feels irrelevant, people will move on.

However, by playing with your intro maker, you can show the viewers why they must not miss your content. This plays on that very critical psychological element called “the fear of missing out!” Everyone lives and thrives on trends! No one wants to be dubbed as boring and passive.

For this reason, you just cannot haphazardly slap on a title sequence at the start and be done with it. If that’s what you’re doing, you are driving your viewers away. To make your intros stand out and perform their job, you must plan. Take a look at the key tips you must consider when creating your intros:

  1. Take note of the time: Keep intros at the 8-second mark, though high-performing players can go up to 20 seconds. The intro time is crucial so your feed will not be dropped before the actual content begins.
  2. Be clear and concise: Brevity is the key to success. Make sure all the important details are stated. Keep it crisp, vibrant, and straightforward.
  3. Pay attention to branding details: Make sure everything in your intro matches all the other details in your social media profiles. Match the colors, logo, and words.

Final Words On The Advantages Of An Intro Maker

A well-made intro video will communicate what your business is all about. It is your shot to show how you can make your audience's lives exciting. Don’t miss this important opportunity! Therefore, you must create stunning videos with cool intros. This can spell the difference between having your viewer subscribe, comment, like, and excitedly wait for the next video release. Happy video creating!

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