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Programmer vs Coder | Programming vs coding | Differences between programmer and coder


 Programmer vs Coder | Programming vs coding | Differences between programmer and coder


Programmer vs Coder
 Programmer vs Coder 



In this modern-day and age we are surrounded by technology. From television remotes to your computer, we are counting on them, to make our lives easier. Not only are most modern technologies helpful to a large extent, but their ease of usage is noticeable. Most of these innovations thought to be impossible a few years ago, we are indeed witnessing them. In this article, I will cover these topics Programmer vs Coder | Programming vs coding | Differences between programmer and coder | How to become a programmer and coder

What's even more amazing is the fact that these breath-taking innovations might have started from a single programmer and a single line of syntax. If we set aside all the complexities we associate with these inventions, it all comes down to that single line of code.

People from outside the industry often interact with the concept of programming and coding without even realizing it. The television remote that we use is an example of a programmed device we use on a regular basis. A combination of numbers on the device helps you change channels.  The volume button on the speaker turns your music up loud on just one click. The Car gets unlocked when you push the buttons on your key from a distance. These are all actually quite amazing when you think about it.

Even if you don't know how to program or even if you are not even remotely related to the industry in any way, still you might have come across the terms 'programmer', 'coder' , 'developer' etc. We consider all of these under the same umbrella of terms. And sometimes when we have to use these words we often use them interchangeably.

We tend not to distinguish them because for us both are the same. For the same context sometimes we use programmers and sometimes we use coder. Although they are very interchangeably used they do have subtle distinctions and differences.


There are a few reasons why it is important to use the proper verbiage while talking about the subject or talking to a person who works in the industry.

The most important one being the person might get offended. Though it is true that every job has its dignity, an individual who is a programmer definitely won't be happy hearing someone address them as a coder as it takes years of coding experience to become a programmer.

The second one is in case you are in the HR department where you may have to hire people, it is very important to distinguish the above and to understand the type of person you are hiring in terms of their experience and match them with your priorities.

Before we list down the differences it is important to understand both of these terms.

Computers can only understand their own language which is machine code. With the ones and the zeroes it wouldn't make a lot of sense to us.

Each number in the binary code is telling the computer to change something in its memory. This could be a number or some text. It needs to have an input if any action is to be done as by themselves computers don't really know how to do anything.


This is where the coders play an important role, they tell the computers exactly what it is that they want them to do. There's an easier way for them to talk to computers and give them instructions other than learning machine code. This is done by using programming languages.

The input given in a programming language will be converted to a set of machine-language instructions that can be read by the computer.


Coding is telling the computer exactly what you want it to do in a form of communication it understands.



A program is a set of instructions. Unlike coding, programming has a higher level of abstraction.


Coding is a small subset of programming. Everything in programming is associated with logic. This is why some people take years to become a programmer because for them to evolve that certain sense of logic takes time.

Programmers are expected to know few or many programming languages. Even though knowledge of programming languages is a requirement for being a programmer, big corporations like Google choose to hire candidates who display high logical skills. They are asked to solve problems in pseudo-codes rather than any known programming languages.


Coding focuses on the technical sides of the program. Its emphasis is on details like code qualities. A coder understands the syntax and has the ability to convert codes and communicate with the machine.


This is why programming is often connected with mathematics. Courses like discrete Mathematics is intended to give the mathematical background required for programming. In short, programming is an application of mathematics.


Coding does not provide the complete result, as its only aim is to translate the data into language understandable by the machine and get the desired output. Whereas the end product of programming will be the software or application which is ready to use.

This is because coding is only part of the process and this process is programming. Coding and many others processes like data processing and analysis constitute programming.


Programming requires sophisticated planning and structured execution. While coding can be done from scratch with no preparation at all as a trial and error method can be implemented this method won't always work for programming. This is why detailed organizational skills are a requirement to be a good programmer.


Coding requires only a text editor where you can write your code and basic knowledge of the programming language that one is using. But a programmer will need multiple tools like third-party libraries and code generators. It also requires skills such as data processing and management.


An individual who is a fresher in the industry will be initially hired as a coder. He/she will have knowledge of different programming languages but will lack experience. This is why coders are often referred to as junior developers or junior programmers.

Due to their lack of experience, they may lack the logical thinking required for a programmer. But a programmer will be a person who has previously worked on projects and who always takes the logical approach.


We consider a use case which is to build a program for optimizing inventory management inside a plant.

A programmer would examine and conceptualize different modules in the program (materials management, record lead time for each material on a real-time basis based on input readiness at supplier end), create algorithms, mathematical models, data structures to integrate all the standalone modules (at the reorder point, we need to check whether the supplier can ship the inputs before the stock out based on lead time), debug the program after inputs from the testing team, and implement the application.

A coder on the other hand would write individual snippets of code for the module allocated on their IDE. A would write a code for calculating the optimal level of stock, B would connect with the supplier database to track his stock levels and additional time to procure in case a material is unavailable as per a required amount and C would write a code to calculate the time to reach the plant for the required amount.

Post this, a programmer would integrate the output of code snippet of A and code a snippet of B with code snippet of C. The ultimate program would calculate the time for the material to reach the plant depending on whether it is available or not at the supplier end.


It is easy for experienced programmers to learn a new programming language as they try to understand the logic behind the code. This logical way of thinking will nurture creativity within. Jack Dorsey, Steve Wozniak and Bill Gates were all once programmers. The world needs more creative minds. People who can perceive how the industry works more clearly and bring about revolutionary changes.


Ashish Gupta is a digital marketing manager at Tjori and founder of Trendpickle , an editorial website on the rise which publishes national, sports, entertainment, and technology-related informative and relevant articles on a regular basis

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