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Future of Database Technologies in Light of CMS Web Development


Future of Database Technologies in Light of CMS Web Development

Future of Database Technologies in Light of CMS Web Development

Future of Database Technologies in Light of CMS Web Development

At the end of 2019, there were some big expectations about the database developments in the year 2020, but the global pandemic situation has put a temporary hold on those. However, there are many new technological advancements and upgrades in the database management sector. Also, in terms of CMS based web application development, there are many changes in the databases being used for the same. WordPress's top CMS platform has witnessed many fundamental changes since its inception, and the database technologies related to it have also moved largely from the relational DBMS models to non-relational technologies like NoSQL. Now, let us take a closer look at the major changes we witness in the database management sector.


The disruptive models in old times' database technologies had mandated the providers to take a better stance in terms of database services to keep pace with the changing and challenging market trends. The competition in the market is so fierce, so the enterprise users' expectations from their databases. The CFOs and project managers focus on ways to ensure a bigger return with the lowest possible investment in technology projects.


However, in the case of the speed and processing abilities of databases, unlike olden times, organizations now have a higher need in terms of real-time data streaming and gaining actionable analytical insights from the data. Better user experience and processing information are also coming as the default expectations of organizations from their data stores. With such advancements in technologies and changing users' expectations, it is challenging for the database solution providers to incorporate all these features and functions into the enterprise database solutions they offer.


As of late, the trends in database technologies move towards fluidic data management practices. It is essential for everyone to keep pace with the fast-changing data trends, an ever-increasing data volume to be on top. Let us look into some of the major trends in the latest database technologies in light of all these.

Evolution of alternate database models

As we have seen above, throughout the evolution of database models, the databases' expectations have stretched beyond the conventional relational models to incorporate more flexible and non-relational data models. Over the last several years, we have seen the rise and fall of many non-relations databases too.


Data scientists are nowadays largely relying on cloud-based DBMS platforms to handle huge volumes of unstructured data. As the data volume increases and the requirements of artificial intelligence and machine learning are on the higher side, the alternate database options need to have the capability to support various data models and also features for data virtualization, incorporation of geospatial data, distributed data stores, and in-memory storage, etc.


Users are also longing for those databases which can support a wider range of analytical capabilities. Major options in terms of databases as a service (DBaaS) now put forth a significant advancement in terms of live streaming of data and help to create the secondary functionalities for alternative models of data management. For database management services, it is also advisable to get the support of reliable providers like RemoteDBA.com.


Real-time analytics


Along with the need to set up quick data storage and retrieval, business enterprises are also largely interested in real-time analysis of the transactional data. This is a great way for businesses to keep track of things and analyze how this will work for them. As we can see, enterprises now tend to use a hybrid model in terms of transactional data analysis, which will enable an easy model of database management with a much more simplified architecture. This new data management approach is driven by the demand for better adaptation to operations, incorporating live data streaming for analysis, and insightful decision making.


In this approach, real-time database applications can enable instant fault detection, marketing re-targeting at the right point, and making business recommendations. Industry analysts now largely recognize these new trends, and this shift is now making a big impact on the database management approaches. Interestingly, the hybrid model of transactional databases comes with in-memory data storage, which will offer more benefits in terms of simplicity of the architecture and its functionality. Nowadays, it has become much easier for the users to maintain the database without sharing or transferring.


CMS based web development in the future


All these changes in database administration procedures reflect in CMS-based web development. We can see how Gutenberg now sets forth the beginning of a new era in the WordPress codebase. The latest WordPress updates based on Gutenberg are focused on a more innovative and user-friendly block-based development concept. These fundamental blocks for web development are codes using JavaScript. If you are using a plug-in to add to the meta boxes, then you be better off adding the blocks now. So, the need is not for PHP, but to know JavaScript instead.

This same thing applies to developing website themes, too, which can also be done using JavaScript. With this approach, you have to update the themes based on block-centered development as per the Gutenberg project to get a fine output, which is more innovative and attractive compared to the old editor-based design outputs. Project Gutenberg is now at its next phase, aiming to take out the blocks from usage confined to the particular post or page editing. You can now implement the blocks anywhere on the WP page as widgets, menus, customizers, or anything. This phase aims to turn WordPress into a WYSIWYG type of CMS without complicating the code bloat.

Once achieved, the approach mentioned above will revolutionize WordPress development both for the developers and the users. The developers will have a much-streamlined interface to facilitate the development process, and users will enjoy a better experience on WordPress websites. Achieving all these will demand solid database support, which is what the new-generation database models can offer. Advancements in bigdata-enabled databases and the allied technologies to facilitate artificial intelligence and machine learning are expected to change the face and functions of the next-generation web apps and websites.

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