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History of computer with timeline | History of computer


History of computer with timeline

Here are the basic histories of the computer that are initially used to develop today computer.

History of computer with timeline
History of computer with timeline 

Abacus (5000 ago)

Abacus is considering the first-ever device that qualifies to be a computer. The history of Abacus is 5000 years old it was developed in Asia and still using to gives basic knowledge to the children about counting, for example, adding subtracting, etc. This device is a calculating device it allows the user to calculate using sliding beads that are arranged on the rack. People said it is a first-ever computer in the world. So we put it as a computer here.

Pascaline  (1642)

Pascaline was a device that was used to add two numbers, it’s totally functionality was to add two numbers nothing else. It was the invention of an 18 years old boy Blaise Pascal, the son of a tax collector in 1942, He invented this wheel calculator to help his father in collecting tax and calculations.

The updated version of Pascaline  (1661)

This updated version of Pascaline has the new feature of multiplication and division. It was developed by a German Philosopher and Mathematician Barron Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz in 1661; He made some improvements in Pascaline and invented this version.  This updated version can perform these operations by using repeated additions and subtractions. This updated version of Pascaline or Leibniz’s mechanical multiplier working with a system of gears and dials.

Jacquard’s loom (1801)

It was 1801 in French a silk weaver and inventor named Joseph Marie Jacquard developed the jacquard loom. This jacquard loom was organized by the recorded patterns of holes in a structure of cards.

Arithmometer (1820)

The Arithmometer machine was invented by Charles Xavier Thomas De Colmar, in 1820. Charles Xavier was a Frenchman. This Arithmometer machine could perform the basic four arithmetic functions, Addition Multiplication, division and subtraction.

Analytical Engine (1833-1842)

Analytical Engine was invented by an English mathematician, Professor Charles Babbage. He firstly made a Difference Engine in 1833 which was powered by steam to solve the mathematical equations. After ten years. In 1842 he developed a general-purpose computer that was named to Analytical Engine. That analytical engine was used to add subtract multiply and divide in automatic sequence at the rate of 60 additions every second.

Analytical Engine Updated Version (1845)

An English woman Lady Ada Augusta Lovelace was very inspired by Charles Babbage work on Analytical Engine. Charles was her ideal. So she studied and translated his works, adding her own extensive footnotes. She was called as a first programmer because of her recommendations that punched cards could be organized to instruct Babbage’s engine to repeat certain operations.

Punch Card Tabulating Machine (1890)

Herman Hollerith was an American inventor. He invented punch card tabulating the machine in 1890. He applied the idea of punchboards in the form of punch cards in computers for input and output. That was a very useful and great invention at that time.

Z3 (1941)

The German engineers had developed a computer in 1941 giving name z3 to it for the purpose of design missiles.

Atanasoff and Berry Computer (1942)

Dr. John V. Atanasoff was a professor at Iowa State University. He started a project with his graduate student Clifford E. Berry on assembled a prototype of ABC (Atanasoff and Berry Computer). The idea was to save time for calculation. A working model of ABC was finished in 1942. They developed an electronic computer that applied Boolean algebra to computer circuitry.

Colossus (1943)

The British made a computer in 1943 give name Colossus for the purpose of break the secret codes during World War II.

Mark I (1944)

An American Howard A. Aiken, Professor of Harvard University, made the first electromechanical computer in 1944 give it name Mark I, that computer was 51 feet long and 8 feet high. That computer was a slow computer. More than 3000 electrical actuated switches were used to control that computer processing.

ENIAC (1946)

ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer in 1946 was developed by Dr. John W. Mauchly work together with J. Presper Eckert, Jr. at the University of Pennsylvania. This computer was 1000 times faster than the Mark I computer. The ENIAC engaged 15000 square feet of ground spacing and weighs 30 tons. The ENIAC could do 5000 additions per minute.

EDVAC (1949)

EDVAC abbreviate for Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer that was designed by John Von Neumann. The main points of the Von Neumann architecture was the central processing unit that allowed the computer all functions to be coordinated in binary form means 0 and 1.

UNIVAC-1 (1951)

UNIAC abbreviate for Universal Automatic Computer, it was developed by Dr. Mauchly and Eckert for Remington Rand Corporation, and installed in the U.S. Bureau of the Census, and it was the first commercially available computer in that era.

After that, the development of computers comes with advancements day by day.

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